I just finished my first week at Microsoft Azure. It is quite different compared with Pinterest! Looking Back on the Last Five Years, Looking Forward to the Next Five Years I joined Pinterest in 2019. It has been... Keep reading »
The book I finished in 2023 with notes. The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life The market always goes up. Investment portfolio: Stocks (VTSAX) + bonds (VBTLX) + cash,... Keep reading »
The book I finished in 2022 with notes. Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed A therapists also needs to see another therapist just like us. The Space Race Many astronauts... Keep reading »
The book I finished in 2021 with one-sentence notes.
Educated: A Memoir
Education can change your life.
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The below table demonstrates an elaborated use case of the Danger Bot 2.0. Steps Comments Explanation 1 An initial pull-request comment created by the Danger Bot 2.0. 2 When students add a new comment /dispute 846d e29c 4805,... Keep reading »
This tutorial video demonstrates the two-way communication capability of the Danger Bot 2.0.
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I just finished my first week at Pinterest. Summarize my feeling in two words: awesome and fantastic! Fun fact: I met CEO Ben Silbermann four times in person (twice in a cafeteria, once in a corridor and once... Keep reading »
Hello everyone, my name is Zhewei Hu. I am a site reliability engineer at Pinterest. Before that, I was a Ph.D. student under the direction of Dr. Ed Gehringer. I was the teaching assistant for the Object-Oriented Design... Keep reading »
Hello everyone, my name is Zhewei Hu. I am a site reliability engineer at Pinterest. Before that, I was a Ph.D. student under the direction of Dr. Ed Gehringer. I was the teaching assistant for the Object-Oriented Design... Keep reading »
On May 23rd 2019, I successfully defensed my Ph.D. dissertation: “Helping Students Make Better Contributions to Open-Source Software Projects”. I owe my sincere thanks to Dr. Edward Gehringer, my advisor, for his all-time support and guidance. I am... Keep reading »
Rising enrollments make it difficult for instructors and teaching assistants to give adequate feedback on each student’s work. Our course projects require students to submit GitHub pull requests as deliverables for their open-source software (OSS) projects. We have... Keep reading »
During 2018 summer, I interned as a site reliability engineer at Procore Technologies, which is a world’s leading construction project management software company. My project was to build a new UI and implement the GraphQL API for an... Keep reading »
I interned at IBM Aspera DevOps team as a software engineer during 2017 summer. My first project is related to a configuration management tool named Chef. My second project is related to a container orchestration tool named Kubernetes.... Keep reading »
I worked with my classmates to build a DevOps continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline. The pipeline contains 4 components, which are a build component, a testing and analysis component, a deployment component, and an incremental testing toolkit.... Keep reading »
Bug fixing is a time-consuming work. Recently, automated program repair receives more and more attentions. There are many existing tools which can fix Java, C and Python programs. To the best of my knowledge, no tool repairs on... Keep reading »
A KPI report for marketing team using Ruby on Rails as web application framework, Sequel as ORM layer for mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records and PostgreSQL on AWS as the database. Description Utilized Ruby... Keep reading »
Netflix Prize competition was hold by Netflix Inc. in Oct 2006. The main goal of this competition was to predict how many score a user will rate for a movie, by learning a test set containing nearly 100... Keep reading »
Open Medical Record System (OpenMRS®) was created in 2004 as a open source medical record system platform for developing countries – a tide which rises all ships. Read more at: About OpenMRS Description Performed a security review based... Keep reading »
What is staggered-dealine assignment? This project is related to the “Wiki 1a” and “Wiki 1b” assignment in NC State CSC 517 class. They were structured as separate assignments, with separate signup sheets, teams, and reviews. But actually, since... Keep reading »
The goal of this project is to detect bad smells in the software development process by looking at the commits, issues, pull requests, labels and milestones in GitHub repositories. I worked with my classmates to analyze three projects... Keep reading »
I worked with my classmates to build a tool that makes it easier for customers to find cars and their price ranges online. Customers can subscribe to our service and enter information about the car. The tool then... Keep reading »
This project is related to make contributions to an open-source project named Expertiza. I refactored the existing bad smells following Ruby on Rails best practises, implemented new features related to user model and writing RSpec tests with two... Keep reading »
Storyboarding is used in software development as part of identifying the specifications for a particular set of software. It is useful during software engineering because it helps the user understand exactly how the software will work, much better... Keep reading »
I reproduced the classic game Space Invaders, which is considered one of the most influential video games of all time. This game helped expand the video game industry from a novelty to a global industry, and ushered in... Keep reading »