What is staggered-dealine assignment? This project is related to the “Wiki 1a” and “Wiki 1b” assignment in NC State CSC 517 class. They were structured as separate assignments, with separate signup sheets, teams, and reviews. But actually, since... Keep reading »
The goal of this project is to detect bad smells in the software development process by looking at the commits, issues, pull requests, labels and milestones in GitHub repositories. I worked with my classmates to analyze three projects... Keep reading »
I worked with my classmates to build a tool that makes it easier for customers to find cars and their price ranges online. Customers can subscribe to our service and enter information about the car. The tool then... Keep reading »
This project is related to make contributions to an open-source project named Expertiza. I refactored the existing bad smells following Ruby on Rails best practises, implemented new features related to user model and writing RSpec tests with two... Keep reading »
Storyboarding is used in software development as part of identifying the specifications for a particular set of software. It is useful during software engineering because it helps the user understand exactly how the software will work, much better... Keep reading »